A man addicted to DeLorean cars has become an Internet sensation after he transformed the classic Back To The Future vehicle into a monster truck.
Rich Weissensel, a software engineer, is fanatic about the two-door sports car and owns five of them – including a stretched DeLorean limousine.
The 48-year-old’s re-modelled 1981 DeLorean went viral after a video of it was uploaded to YouTube of the truck accidentally getting close to running over a Ferrari.
The DeLorean is one of the world's most iconic cars after it appeared as a time machine in the Back To The Future films.
Rich keeps three standard models at his home in Chicago, Illnois but it is this incredible monster truck which gets Car Diagnostic Tools the attention of pedestrians and awe of motorists.
Rich's truck, dubbed the D Rex, is based on a 1981 DeLorean's body but mounted onto the running gear of a 1979 Chevrolet K5 Blazer SUV.
He fitted it with 44-inch wheels three times the size of the average car's wheels and a V8 motor.
He added: ‘I saw the stainless steel and the gullwing doors, and I was hooked. I bought my first DeLorean in 1985.
‘The typical reaction Benz repaire special service I get from the general public is of smiles and appreciation with plenty of people describing it as 'badass'.
‘But some DeLorean “purists” have a less than enthusiastic response - even when they find out the car had been wrecked previously.’